Sunday, January 11, 2009

Personalities - T N Seshan

One person can change the system and I was fortunate to see this during my college days when elections are won by muscle and money power. This man, who was part of the same system tried to clean it up and showed us that if u want to serve the people and the nation, u must be part of it. No one can bring peace and prosperity to the society by blaming it or destroying the system. Reforms and moderanity can be only brought through removing the drawbacks in the system and if i want to going back to its foundation fundamentals/basics. We Indians, have the heritage, culture and experience which no other country has. It is only when we look at the system with its past, present we can understand what is going on. Just copying ourselves from the others or putting blame on the past or the people will not solve the problem. No one till now, by my knowledge has or can do more social work than a government employee. That has been proved by this person: T N Seshan.Eighty percentage of the India problem lies in its political and religious structure and the rest of 20 % percent lies with its geographical situation. Religous reforms are continously made from the past century and the modern look of the society is due to this only. 60 years of Independence - and it was also time to bring some changes in the electorial system of the country. As selection of the political system is the core for representing the various groups in the society and also solving their problem, it was essentially needed to clean up the electorial system which the political has been using for their own benefits.The greatest contribution of Seshan was realising that the Elections Commision must be same as Judicary system. He was successful in bringing those reforms in the Election Commision.It is happy to see that the successors of T N Seshan has not only kept the high standards and are bring more reforms in the electorate process.
What I learned from him:
For doing good, u don't have to be creative or think new things. The only thing u have to do is to follow the rules of the book and the land. One person who follows the rules of the book in word and spirit can bring lot of change in the society and that one person can be anyone.


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